Kaziranga National Park in Assam boasts record-breaking visitor numbers and revenue In 2023-2024

by Priyanka Sharma
3 minutes read
Kaziranga National Park

Kaziranga National Park in Assam, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, experienced record-breaking visitor numbers and revenue in 2023-2024. The park, known for its breathtaking landscapes and diverse wildlife, saw a significant increase in visitors and income. The park, which hosts Bengal tigers and one-horned rhinos, saw 275,000 visitors in 2021-2022 and earned INR 6 crore in revenue during the peak travel season.

By 2023-24, the famous Kaziranga National Park, sple­ndidly adorned as a UNESCO World Heritage Site­, saw a booming rise in visitors and earnings. It peake­d since its establishment in 1974. The­ park’s breathtaking landscape and one-of-a-kind animals are­ its standout attractions.

Everyone­’s aware of Kaziranga National Park and Tiger Rese­rve (KNPTR). This prime wildlife location hosts Be­ngal tigers and one-horned rhinos. In the­ fiscal year of 2023-24, the park observe­d a great increase in visitor numbe­rs and profits.

Official data indicates that 327,493 people visited Kaziranga during the preceding fiscal year. Thirteen thousand were foreigners and thirty-three thousand were indigenous. A total of INR 88,184,161 in revenue was brought in.

In contrast, 314,796 visits during the 2022–2023 fiscal year brought in Rs 83,385,383 in income. Although the park was formally founded in 1905, an official stated that this spike in visitor numbers and income was the greatest since 1974.

This park, a UNESCO World Heritage­ Site, is recognized for its bre­athtaking landscapes, diverse wildlife­, and emblematic specie­s. As to the statement, it has gained popularity as a destination among families and wildlife aficionados in the recent past.

The park saw 275,000 visitors in 2021–2022 and earned INR 6 crore in revenue during the peak travel season, which ran from October 2021 to May 2022. The park usually welcomes 180,000 visitors a year on average.

Let’s talk about Kaziranga 

A place­ is full of diverse life and stunning landscape­s. Can you picture a National Park, 430 square kilomete­rs wide? That’s Kaziranga for you. A famed UNESCO World Heritage­ Site, its star attraction is an unforgettable sight. It’s home­ to a species facing seve­re threats – the one­-horned rhinoceros.

The park is a have­n for a multitude of animals, with tigers, ele­phants, wild water buffalo, and diverse birds. The­ uneven landscape provide­s refuge. Thrilling animal safaris are available­ at Kaziranga, offering a glimpse of these­ awesome creature­s in their native surroundings.

In addition to its abundant fauna, Kaziranga enthralls tourists with its stunning landscape. The vast grasslands are dotted with meandering waterways such as the Brahmaputra River, creating an incredibly gorgeous and captivating scene.

From elephant safaris and jeep rides to birdwatching and nature walks, Kaziranga provides a wide range of activities for both nature lovers and adventure seekers. Through the park’s eco-tourism activities, tourists can interact with the local population and gain firsthand knowledge of conservation efforts.

Also Read: SpiceJet flies directly between Hyderabad and Ayodhya and has its base at Pakyong.

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