Indonesia to Improve Bali Tourism

By TravoUpdate

Indonesia plans to audit and reform Bali's tourism sector to improve tourist quality and protect local culture and jobs.

Tourism Audit

Bali has over 200,000 foreign residents, leading to issues like crime, overdevelopment, and job competition.

Foreign Residents

The government may deport foreign tourists who cause problems, such as involvement in drugs, gangs, or other criminal activities.

Deportation Warning

Since Bali reopened after COVID-19, there has been a significant increase in foreign tourists, with 2.9 million arrivals in the first half of the year.

Rise in Tourism

Videos of unruly tourists have gone viral, causing frustration among locals and criticism on social media.

Local Frustration

The government prioritizes improving the quality of tourism rather than increasing tourist numbers.

Quality Over Quantity

Efforts will be made to prevent overdevelopment, such as turning paddy fields into villas or inappropriate businesses.

Avoiding Overdevelopment

The government plans to address waste management and upgrade infrastructure on the island.

Infrastructure Upgrades

Public nudity and inappropriate businesses like strip clubs are banned to maintain cultural integrity in Bali.

Preserving Culture

The government will release a strategic plan for revamping Bali’s tourism industry soon.

Strategic Plan

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